
Wisdom Teeth Removal in ahmedabad

Dentures (false teeth)

Dentures are removable false teeth made of acrylic (plastic), nylon or metal. They fit snugly over the gums to replace missing teeth and eliminate potential problems caused by gaps.
Gaps left by missing teeth can cause problems with eating and speech, and teeth either side of the gap may grow into the space at an angle.

Advantages of Dentures

Dentures provide a natural and confident appearance. They provide a cohesive look and provide you with a radiant smile. Dentures can even affect the appearance of your entire face. When you have missing teeth, your face can appear sunken in. Getting dentures near you will help your face appear fuller and livelier.

Dentures are an excellent option, even if you don’t have the healthiest jaw, teeth, or gums. Other restorative methods, such as dental bridges and implants, require healthy teeth and strong bones.

Dentures are easily maintained. Temporary dentures can be cleaned either inside or outside of the mouth and typically only require a rinse after meals. When you are not wearing your dentures, they can be easily stored in a glass of cool water. You should be sure to remove your dentures every night to allow your gums to rest and prevent soreness.

What Do New Dentures Feel Like?

New dentures may feel a little odd or loose for a few weeks until the muscles of the cheeks and tongue learn to keep them in place and you get comfortable inserting and removing them. Also, it is not unusual for minor irritation or soreness to occur and for saliva flow to increase when you first start wearing dentures, but these problems will diminish as the mouth adjusts.